Wt & JWt 4.10.0 released

  • Posted by Matthias
  • Wednesday, May 31, 2023 @ 13:08

(J)Wt 4.10.0 mainly consists of back-end improvements and some new convenience features. There were some issues with persisting dates and time in Sqlite3 that have been resolved.

Users will now be able to more conveniently allow for an input field to accept an email address, and validate said email address.

Here are the links:

Binary builds for Windows are available on the GitHub releases page.

  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
Wt python please.
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
[[Comment deleted]]
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
There's a trick to prevent empty comments - write something ;)
  • Posted by anonymous
  • one year ago
Yes, write something works! Thanks!

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